- Since 1984 -

The answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Who we are

Here is where IAPress and abook N U will tell you who we are and how we get started and how got started.

Why we are

When you visit our sessions for the first time, it transforms your life, and connects you to the people you always wanted to get to know and love through your passion for writting.

Where you are

We listen to find out where you are in the writing process and assess how we can assist you to getting to the next step.

How it starts

It starts with the initial consultation and bosoms into the reality that have sought to find from your beginning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Call or email 901-487-9365 / iamrenford@gmail.com for a free consultation or written description of the process.

Send to iamrenford@gmail. Com. We will review it and call you to begin consultations

Yes, the first phase of the process is coaching which continues until production of the book which is the second phase. Coaching with regard to production continues until consultation for marketing begins in the third phase

Whatever stage you are at, whether it is just an idea or anywhere along the way to being a manuscript we have begun working with our Client Authors. Everything you need to complete your manuscript for publishing is outlined, priced and work commenced at your instruction to do so.

Call us at 901-487-9365 or email us at iamrenford@gmail.com for an appointment. We will help you determine whether we are the publisher for you or if we can help you in finding the one you need. With regard to marketing we provide up to 3 hours of consultation where we provide our program called 77 Ways to Market your book.

Our workshop is called the Author’s Workshop but it there is not one scheduled at a convenient time or place for you the same information is provided on a personal basis for each Client Author.

Yes, we launch into the first phase immediately upon be contracted. Our process is designed to put you in the position of making informed decision. All production costs are itemized so there are no surprises. We do conduct an Author’s Workshop delivered in a 3 hour session and in book form. This same information is part of what we provide directly to the author.

Yes, we provide coaching from the moment to contract with IAMPress, Inc. to produce your book. The coaching continues through production and into the marketing process. In fact, the coaching is a constant as long as you are a part of the IAMPress, Inc. process.

IAMPress, Inc. begins immediately upon being contracted in the process of establishing the structure of the book and an outline where you can put the materials in order.

IAMPress, Inc. may act on your behalf as a Consultant, Agent or as your publisher.

IAMPress, Inc. may assist with a layout and outline for you to record the experience or we may coach you on getting the experience into written form. There are ghost writers but our assisted writing has proved successful.

Yes, when your book has been edited and proofed and we are ready for formatting unless you decide to print only we will be formatting your book three ways. It will be formatted for printing, for Nook E-book and Kendal E-book. The two main E-book formats are different and requires two formats

Yes we can.

There are three documents that can be emailed to you:

  • The Introductory Package
  • The Process
  • Why IAMPress, Inc.?

This information is provided verbally in our free consultation session and these three documents will be provided as notes so you have written confirmation.

About us

We assist authors, first time authors or published authors who may desire to do the process on their own but with coaching and assistance.

Our mission

Simple: to bring the book in you out of you and on to page, into print and out the world if that is your dream or desire. Our mission is to assist you.

Our offer

  • Consultation
  • Production
  • Marketing
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